Why my superfluous hairs
are tougher than those of the people than I know? It is a very relevant
question, a very short question which should require an answer quite as
short, but unfortunately, it cannot be thus since two people do not represent
identical copies. All the hairs are not superfluous. The hairs (head, armpit,
groins) have their reasons to be, their utilities (ornament or protection).
Thus, on account of the cultural order, certain nationalities like to
preserve these piliferous areas. However, in America, the woman, by
preoccupation of esthetics or a hygiene, prefers to separate herself these
hairs which it regards as superfluities. And, moreover, this invasion begins
very early, as of adolescence, which implies like consequence of these
multiple progressions, of the hairs larger, tougher, more coloured,
disgracieux, more difficult to make disappear. In practice, it should be
considered that the treatments carried out on virgin hairs, not having never
been attacked, have an effectiveness much larger than those subjected to a
pleiad of tests. Let us return to the box departure: why my hairs resist do
so much? Let us see these factors influencing pilosity. 1. Heredity
two parents probably bequeathed me a genetic formula their parents according
to whom, even if my hormonal balance is normal, it happens that the pilous
follicule is hypersensitive on this normal level of hormones. Then, the hair
pushes even if the rate of hormones is stable. 2. Aggressions "Happy" and unhappy undergone by the pilous follicules and the hairs since several years. It is known that the skin consists of three zones: skin, derme and the hypoderme. Under each one of these zones: a blood distribution network vehicle the blood, which feeds the roots of the hairs. Thus, more you increase the blood flow, more the hairs seems happy: it is nourished more and pushes more quickly. From are these data, which my daily activities which can support this additional contribution of blood?
and, result: more blood, more food and more hairs);
3. Hormonal balance Is my rate of hormone normal? I know that the hormones are secreted by endocrine glands, then conveyed by blood in all the organization and by consequence with each hair. I know that with puberty, the ovaries and the testicles undergo modifications and secrete male hormones (androgens) and females (oestrogen). I know the results of them: push hairs with alternative according to the genetic code inherited the parents. This appearance of hairs is normal. I know that with the pregnancy, it often occurs a push of hormones androgens, resulting rather often in hairs which will disappear easily. I know that with the menopause, the ovary decreases its production of female hormones: the oestrogen, leaving free action to the hormone androgen the care to appear. Moreover, one lack of oestrogen (female) in blood, stimulates the former lobe of the pituitary gland (the head of orchestra of the system endocrinien) which secretes a hormone stimulating the ovary and the suprarenal, from where additional production of male hormones: androgens, factors of growth of the hair. To correct this situation, it is necessary to compensate by hormonal drugs. I know that the surgery of the ovary (the ovariectomy creates identical problems that the menopause). I know that certain medicamentous regulations based on androgenic hormones, for various disorders of health connected to the menstruation are beneficial for health but handicapping for the hair. It is obvious that two glands of the system endocrinien, the ovary and the corticosuprarenal one, can have direct effects on the growth of the hair. The corticosuprarenal one is essential with the life. It manufactures about thirty corticosteroids essential with the life, amongst other things cortisone. It manufactures also androgens (male) by hypofonctionnement of the corticosurrenale. There are a stimulation of the pituitary gland and like result, more androgens and more hairs.
All the endocrine or hormonal glands depend on their main gland: the pituitary gland, which is an extension partial of the nervous system in fact. The hypothalamus is at the base of the brain, this last being the significant seat of the vegetable life. The stress, lost on this level, would influence the operation of the hormonal system in good or evil. I know that the stress can influence the physiology of digestion, circulation, the excretion. Thus, if I am in a state of negative stress persisting and without period of rest, the physiology of the hormonal system can be defective and cause problems in fact of the male hyperproductions of hormones, the androgens, growth promoters of superfluous hairs. (e.g.: stress with negative range: not acceptance of oneself, persistent difficulties following a reverse of fortune, job loss, divorces, difficult child, precarious health etc...). Of all that precedes, how to require of the specialist in the methods of depilation with or without needle, to determine the exact number of necessary meetings to make disappear superfluous hairs? One should not only consider the hair, with insurance, one can advance that the virgin hair (ever touched), that the fine hair, that the fair hair will disappear rather quickly. The hair large, hard, dark, already attacked many times, will be more recalcitrant. It should be remembered that this recalcitrant hair is only one probable symptom of a problem of an existing hormonal nature. To remove only the symptom, is not sufficient because the problem remains. Your specialist applying the method of depilation will make his possible to extirpate the disgracieux hairs. Perhaps however, if the results proved to be difficult or unhappy, it would be necessary to consult your family practitioner. Which could direct you towards a specialist endocrinologist or gynaecologist. There exists, according to the endocrinologists, of the sure drugs, making it possible to stop the growth of the hair. For example: the aldactone, the oestrogens, the cimétidine, etc... which could be prescribed during the continuation of your treatments. It is obvious that they are difficult cases. It remains obviously that the method of final depilation " EPILSCAN HFD ", has unsuspected advantages for the wellbeing of your skin. It is a method which uses a biological active ingredient completely natural (oils essential and extracted from plants) and not a chemical (sodium hydroxide or caustic soda) which could with long the hyper sensitize fabrics and generate allergies. Contrary to depilation with the needle, there are not burns, scars, pains. Lastly, of greater surfaces can be treated in less time. On the monetary level, the method of depilation " EPILSCAN HFD " can seem more expensive, but, as a whole, it returns at a cost less than the conventional method.
The doctor establishes a distinction between the hypertrichose and the hirsutism. In the cases of hypertrichose, the hairs are not stimulated by the hormones androgens. The hairs are fine and numerous. The cause is hereditary and the condition perhaps accentuated by other factors. In the cases of hirsutism, the hairs are stimulated by a hypersecretion of hormones androgens. The hairs are large, hard and rigid. It is often hereditary. A virile behavior (bores and moustache) can be the demonstration of an exaggerated production of androgens coming either from the ovary, or of the suprarenal or by the catch of drugs (androgens, dilautin, diazoxide). There are two kinds of hirsutism:
It is a condition which is not generally related to an overproduction of androgens. If the quantity of hormones androgens is normal, in fact rather the pilous follicules are very sensitive to this normal amount of male hormones. However, actually, a high percentage women hirsutes have a higher secretion of androgens. In the majority of the cases, the ovary is responsible.
It is a condition caused by an exaggerated production of male hormones or androgens. It is related to menstrual disorders, with the acne, the ovaries secreting an abnormal quantity of androgen. This anomaly of the ovary can be due to a disorder to the level of the hypothalamus or the level of the suprarenal or oral administration of androgens. In these cases, the investigation in general requires the contest of the endocrinologist or the gynaecologist or both.
The diagnosis consists in determining the width, the nature and the origin of the exaggerated production of the androgens, either the ovary (in 70 % of the cases), or of the suprarenal (in 10 % of the cases), or of the ovary and the suprarenal.
Convential aesthetic measurements (wax, electrocoagulation) remain indicated as from the moment when pilosity creates a real aesthetic problem. They allow attenuer this problem returns. The oestrogens, aldectrone, the cimetidine, acetat of cyproterone are drugs which are perhap acetone which was, these last years, most usually used. It has any doubt side effcts are fortunately rather benign : gastralgie and cephalgia. The oral contraceptives are not contra-ondicated. On the contrary, by supporting the male connection of hormone and of testosterone, by proteins, and by increasing the strogene ratio on testosterone, they play a beneficial part in the long run. Note : this information not for goal to etablir a personel diagnosis. The diagnosos is reserved exclusively to the doctor. This information was completely drawn starting from university books. |
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